Abnormal returns

Question: Why did you liquidate your position at a loss after the statement?
Answer: The probability of such a situation is very small, because the exchange is not deep enough when closing a position, or there are a lot of selling orders in the market at the same time. Exchanges can only queue up to process the submitted sales orders, which may occur at this time, at the time of submission, the price is profitable, but at the end of the transaction, the exchange can only sell at a worse price. However, when this happens, it is usually a very small loss, which can be neglected. If this happens, you are advised to:
1. Set the stop-profit ratio a little higher.
2. Change to a deeper exchange. (It shows that the price difference between Selling 1 and Selling 2 is very small, and there are more quantities of different selling prices.)

Question: Revenues are shown, but the asset statistics seen by the exchange are lost?
Answer: The asset statistics in the exchange is to convert all the currencies you hold according to the current price. The revenue displayed on the software is the profit obtained after the sale. Because robots will continue to buy new lists after they sell for profit, when their currencies fall, they will see that the stock exchange's asset statistics are lost. This is a normal phenomenon. After a period of time, when the price of the currencies held has been adjusted, we will see that the assets become profitable. Members who have worked in foreign exchange have a better understanding that earnings are liquidation gains and assets statistics are current net worth.