
Question: Is it possible to trade with robots?
Answer: There is also the possibility of a quilt cover. Firstly, robots are a trading tool, not a capital-preserving financial product, and the return of investment will naturally be accompanied by risks. Secondly, it intelligently analyses the fluctuation of the market and automatically calculates the interval points. With the delayed replenishment mechanism, we can avoid the sharp fall and the continuous decline of the market and reduce the risk of the quilt. Thirdly, in a deep trading platform, trading mainstream currencies can reduce the risk of quilt. Fourth, the higher the return, the higher the risk. If you use radical strategies, the probability of being trapped is higher. But if you use a conservative strategy, it will only happen if the price of the mainstream currencies in the whole market falls to about 20% of the current price. In this case, manual traders have already been set up, while the average position price of robotic trades will be lower, which can be solved earlier.

Question: Does the Quantitative Trading Fair lose money?
Answer: Currency trading is not leveraged margin trading, there is no burst. After the fall, as long as the digital currency is not sold, there will be no real loss. Long-term holding will not bring additional costs, so there is no risk of explosion.

Question: Can the mainstream currency of robotic trading guarantee 100% profit?
Answer: The price of the mainstream currency will come back when it falls, and in the long run, the value of the mainstream currency is guaranteed and recognized by global investors. If it is air currency or counterfeit currency, there may be a risk of zero return, so the official does not recommend trading this kind of currency. Trading mainstream currencies, though not 100% profitable, has a lower risk factor than trading other currencies.